
What Makes An Ezine Worth Reading?

What makes your ezine hot stuff? With literally thousands of ezines online today, how can yours stand out or is it doomed to stay in the junk mail folders??

The first thing to think about is, what is your ezine about? Do you have a clue? If you don't know then you can bet a million dollars that your readers haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Define what your purpose is in the first place.

Information, Advertising, Current Events, Reviews.

The choice is yours and the possibilities are endless..

One of the biggest mistakes I see a lot of people do is to mirror another ezine. We all have ezines that we love to read and learn from but that doesn't mean that you need to duplicate the exact same type of ezine. Many of us get sucked into this online world completely forgetting our original goals and end up just jumping on the band wagon instead of being unique.

What works for one may not work for you.

Don't get fooled into that "If I can do it so you can you" Syndrome.

It is not just about copying and pasting anymore...

> Put some flair into your words. You don't have to sound like a robot. Develop your own style of writing so that everyone knows your style and will come to appreciate it even more.

> You don't need to reveil your entire life story but stories that are relevant to the topics are great openers.

> If you use advertising in your ezine, try to compliment the advertising according to your topics. Targeted advertising means a more increased chance of someone purchasing your products and services.

> Ask and you shall find out.

Poll Your Readers and find out what interests them. You may be surprised at the responses. Publishers have to think in three ways.

As A Publisher

This is my name on this ezine. Do I care what I publish or will I just keep this ezine the same way? Do I care what my readers think, will paid advertisers want to pay to advertise with me?

Am I committed to helping people through the power of email advertising or do I just care of making a fast buck telling people about every fly-by-night program that comes along?

As A Reader

What keeps you subscribed? Is it because of the good information. Do you find yourself waiting for another exciting issue to come out. If the issue doesn't arrive do you contact the publisher to find out if an issue is coming out.

Do you read the issue and feel you have learned something new? Something that will help make your life better, easier, more helpful?

As An Advertiser

If I want to advertise in this ezine, why should I? Is it because of the low prices or is it because the ezine has a responsive list of people who WANT to read what the publisher has to say. If the publisher doesn't care what they put in their ezine, then why should I bother pulling out my credit card?

Many publishers new and old all go through this problem. That is when you need to sit down and view yourself from those three perspectives and then you can understand where you, your ezine, and your reputation is headed.

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