
Ezine Publishing Information

Why Self-Publish Your Book?

When I meet an author with a great book concept, one who's definitely the right person to write that book, right away I'll often encourage him or her to self-publish. This is because I know that, if an author is thoroughly invested in what they have to say, and if they're determined to create a buzz about their message, they'll discover .

Why Do We Publish?

WHY DO WE DO THIS?A major "character" in Mark Salzman's first autobiography is his father. Sometimes his father paints.

Want To Start a Publishing Revolution?

Calling all publishers, editors, journalists and freelance writers. It's time to breathe more life into your copy.

PublishAmerica - Publishing Parasites

I have to admit to being readily impressed by company names. Maybe it's an age thing.

Publish Anything: The Saga of a PublishAmerica Author

My story is that an author who'd done online writing for such dot gones as Themestream, Written By Me, and The Vines, someone trying hard to have fiction, poetry and nonfiction in print for real, recommended PublishAmerica. She claimed it was a traditional book publisher.

Secrets To Successful Publishing

Have you ever wondered what would it take to compete successfully with the "big guys" like Simon & Schuster and even get to the top of the heap? If there is such thing as a magic formula for success, then the story of Geela, the author of the bestseller book THE AMERICAN DREAM can certainly make a believer out of you too. Mastering the art of the possible is at the heart of Geela's brand new book where her message is that the possible always exceeds the impossible.

Email Newsletter Software

Should I create my newsletter in a word processor or email program? Which email program should I use?Those two questions came from a visitor to the Manager's Guide to Newsletters website. She planned to start an email newsletter that would go to parents of students at her school and wanted to know about the software she would need.

Managing Internet Addresses in Your Email Newsletter

Web and email addresses pose a special challenge for writers and publishers of email newsletters and ezines.I don't know about you, but I find it frustrating when I have to copy and paste an address into a browser, or into a separate email window.

Email Newsletters: The Header

Managing Subscriber addresses: At the top of your email message you see the header, where you insert addresses and a subject heading. It all looks simple enough, but there are some tricks and tips you should know, and one very important warning.

How to Format Your Email Newsletter

When subscribers' email readers (programs) receive your text newsletter, they will display it in all kinds of ways. Not only are there different programs, but each one has several customization options.

Delivering Your Email Newsletter

After creating your email newsletter, you face the challenge of delivery. With a printed newsletter, there's usually only one method of widespread distribution: the post office.

Email Newsletters: Privacy and Unsubscribing

As you likely know from personal experience, the value of email has been greatly tarnished by spam, unsolicited messages, online junk mail. So, many subscribers and would-be subscribers care very much about the exposure of their email addresses.

Ezines - An Excellent Approach To Internet Marketing

What is an ezine? An ezine is an abbreviation for "electronic magazine", also simply put, a "newsletter". Ezines are extremely popular today and are used as an excellent way to attain information through the Internet.

Publishing Your Own Newsletter - Is It Worth Your Time?

Is publishing your own newsletter worth your time and effort? Most publishers will tell you the rewards are well worth the investment. By publishing your own newsletter you can build recognition and be looked at as an expert in your field of expertise.

Newsletter Design Ideas - How to Get Creative Ideas for Your Newsletter Template

If you want to have a successful newsletter, you need to have a professional newsletter design. And the more newsletter design ideas you get, the better layout you can design.

More Articles from Ezine Publishing Information:
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Does Your Subject Line Do the Job?
It's proven that the FROM field of your emails is the MOST important factor in getting your messages opened. But after that, it's surely the subject line.
Getting Subscribers For Your Newsletter Is As Simple As This...
Having a newsletter is one thing but how many subscribers do you have? Or are you ok with the number of subscribers you have? If you are not satisfied with the answer, then this article is for you. This article will show you how a simple approach did it did it for me, so now is your turn.
An Embarrassment of Riches - Part II
The DOI Foundation has unveiled the DOI-EB (EB stands for e-books) Initiative in the Book Expo America Show 2001, to, in their words:"Determine requirements with respect to the application of unique identifiers to eBooksDevelop proofs-of-concept for the use of DOIs with eBooksDevelop technical demonstrations, possibly including a prototype eBook Registration Agency."It is backed by a few major publishers, such as McGraw-Hill, Random House, Pearson, and Wiley.
How to Get E-zine Subscribers From In-Person Events
While I run my business completely online, I really enjoy attending in-person events and seminars here in Los Angeles and around the country. I'm sure you find these events valuable too.
Need Ezine Content - Think Holidays
Publishing an ezine certainly has its benefits and rewards, but even the most prolific publishers often need more content ideas, topics and graphics.One of the best resources for newsletter and ezine publishers is holidays; they are a true gift because they can provide an overall theme, a topic, graphics, as well as content.
The Quick Ways To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base
1. Give Incentives Give people an incentive to subscribe to your e-zine.
7 Power Packed Tips To Increase Your Ezine Publishing Success
1. Use autoresponders to publish and promote your ezine.
21 Questions to Ask Any List Service Before You Sign on With Them
If you publish an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine," you'll need to sign on with a list service (or "listserve") to manage your subscriber list. There are many types of listserves out there, so here are some guidelines to help you choose one that's right for you.
EZines: Get from Adequate to Fabulous
If my in-box is any indication, most of the business world is hot on e-newsletters. I receive half a dozen every day.
Explode Your Business
You can make a decent income selling products and services but you can become insanely rich by creating and controlling markets.That's what I'll help you to do.
7 Ways You Can Make a Huge Impression With Your Ezine Welcome Message
Many times I receive a Welcome Message from someone after I subscribe to their ezine that leaves me wondering what I just jumped into. A welcome message is one of your first contacts with your subscriber, and it should say something that sets you apart from everyone else right at the get-go.
Create An Immortal Ezine: Evergreen Newsletters
This article is particularly for those people who want to communicate regularly with their readers and through this communication build up a strong relationship. If you've never considered using a newsletter or ezine to contact your prospects and suspects, then now is the time.
Does Your Ezine Publisher Try To Rape Your Pocket?
If you have been online for a while, one of the most well know ways of selling online is to build an optin email list or ezine. So now there are thousands of email ezines on just about every possible topic.
Start Your Own Ezine Newsletter & Profit!
The information listed here is worth more than gold. if you apply these simple list building plans and techniques, we guarantee you will see results.
Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Ezine?
There are two reasons to publish an ezine. 1.
Your First Newsletter: 5 Sure-Fire Ways to Annoy People
I read a lot of newsletters. Some are great and some are not so great.
E-Power The E-zine Advantage
"Regular communication with your customers is essential to your success." - Heidi Richards -E-zines - The alternative of choice for many companies is a great way to market your company.
Why Arent You Using CGI?
The very name CGI used to send chills up my spine. Foryears I put it in the 'too-hard-basket'.
Three E-zine Alternatives You May Not Have Considered
During the free e-zine publishing teleclasses I offer every month, I always get a few people who say to me, "You know, publishing an e-zine sounds great, but I just don't think I have the time to do it on an ongoing basis." Or, "I'm not sure if I'll have enough content to publish an e-zine.
10 Ways, How To Get Significant Exposure For Free
Ezine are one of the best source of information on the web today. They are generally free and can make a huge impact marketing success if used correctly.